When I was a child, I prayed with my father. In a quiet moment, he guided me through words canonized in our Baptist tradition, and said, “Son, you just made the most important decision you will ever make.” On another occasion, my dad informed me of what he said to be the second most important decision I would ever make - choosing the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. I tucked this away in my mind, and much time has passed since.
A girl passed me in a hallway some two and a half years ago. I knew who she was yet I did not expect to find her there, in that moment, and she caught me off guard. Her hair was the color of autumn straw yet rested on her shoulders like silk. She wore thin black frames over green eyes and little make-up; her posture was impeccable. It took 45 minutes for me to introduce myself, which was quite awkward, and for several more weeks I would pass her, speak to her, and once tried to hug her. It was a disaster. Yet somehow the heavens smiled upon me and after a couple of weeks, we went on a date.
Over cups of coffee and tea, we became acquainted. We shared stories of our families, schools, dreams, and work, then we shared a movie and eventually dinner on a red and white checked table cloth. On a hill above Nashville our relationship began, and the paths we walk have pushed closer and closer since. She is life, she is laughter, she is warm and bold. She is a part of me.
Recently this part of me departed town for several days. Usually I am the one who travels yet on this occasion Sarah and three of her closest friends flew to New York City for a vacation. It was to be the trip of all trips, the chance for Sarah to do everything she dreamed of in New York. From scouting favorite movie locations like the castle in Central Park or the Empire State Building, like in Sleepless in Seattle (her favorite!), to dropping in on The Today Show and Conan O’Brien, to visiting great museums and Broadway shows, the trip was something to be jealous of, and Sarah was ecstatic. Sarah is a woman who loves to dream, and this trip was a dream come true in every way, and to mark the occasion, I prepared a little surprise.
Sunday morning I departed the house long before the sun’s tidal glow washed over the darkness. My faithful Honda led me to the airport, which in turn led me to the Starbucks in terminal B, and then eventually onto a plane. I sat down next to a sweet couple from Kentucky who had a son name Whit, and they told me all about their plans in New York. For all the times I have played my guitar to a crowd, I still get nervous easily, and their stories and questions helped to pass the time and calm my nerves. The plane landed, and after a terrifying shuttle ride I boarded a train. The day before, I told Sarah I was going on a hike, and that my cell phone would probably not work for much of the day. During that hour and a half long trip down long island, my cell phone sat powered off and burning a hole in my pocket. I would imagine my heartbeat was audible even over the steady pulsing of the train, and the city could not come quickly enough.
Eventually, I arrived in mid-town Manhattan and stepped out of Penn Station into this overwhelming sea of people and traffic. I had three hours to travel three blocks, and I hadn’t eaten all day. I knew Sarah and the girls were shopping, and seeing the myriad of department and designer stores at every corner, I became paranoid my surprise would be ruined, and I took cover in a Starbucks. Not long after, the fact that I had not eaten caught up to me, and I left the Starbucks in search of food. Five feet down the sidewalk, I stopped for a burrito, ate three bites, felt like I might vomit, and threw it away. I then returned to Starbucks, bought a smoothie, and ducked into a corner for a while.
Checking my watch, I still had an unbearable amount of time, so I headed up 5th. I stopped in the Public Library, but turned around when they were about to coat check my bag. Since 5 o’clock in the morning, I had clutched my bag like it was my last possession in the world, the reason for which you will soon find out about, and I had no choice but to leave the library. Just around the back, however, I found Bryant Park, and for a brief time, this narrow oasis allowed my sweaty brow to rest and my nerves to relax. Then it was time.
I quickly headed back down 5th until I was met by a doorman at New York’s most enduring landmark. The Empire State Building loomed 102 floors above me and twenty minutes later, I stood on top and looked out over the city. After all the nerves and anxiety of this day, I felt like I had conquered the building somehow, like King Kong once did, yet I had no beauty in my hands. I could only imagine where Sarah was and all I could do was wait.
Now throughout the day I got the occasional update from Lindsay, Sarah’s roommate, and for two and a half hours I waited on the 102nd observation deck until the last message came through. “We’re on the elevator,” it said. I stood and watched the needle creep towards number 102, and finally the doors opened. The girls walked out, and finally Sarah stepped through the doors. For a moment she surveyed the skyline until our eyes met, and then she stopped. Walking forward, I took her hand, saying, “There’s something over here I want to show you!” Leading her away from everyone else, we hugged for a while as the reality of my being there sat in. I reached into my bag and removed a small blue box with a bow. “I got you a gift for your trip to New York that I didn’t get to give you before you left, and I wanted you have it while you were still here.” I then got down on my knee and asked her to marry me.
As you have probably guessed by now, she said yes. The rest of the night was a whirlwind. We celebrated, took some pictures, called family from the back of a cab, and had an unforgettable dinner (not because of the food) at Tavern on the Green. We found coffee at a Barnes and Noble, and bought some bridal magazines. I held my new fiancé's hand as she walked barefooted through the upper west side, and we enjoyed the last moments of our incredible night in New York.
The next morning I walked with Sarah and Lindsay to the taping of The Today Show, where I had to leave them for my train and subsequent plane back home. It is my honor to say that Sarah Beth Moseley will soon be my wife, and that the awkward advances of a bumbling boy some two and a half years ago have never been so well rewarded. To the green-eyed girl with hair the color of autumn straw, I say thank you! You have made me so very happy...
This is just about the sweetest blog I have ever read. It's so neat to read your side of the story, too!
Congratulations man!! I am SO excited for you. This is so super cool man, I know you will be blessed tremendously, and you bless Sarah amazingly!
ok....let me try to compose myself......shaky hands....blurry eyes from tears.....you know, Whit, I have always known that Sarah was so special. Even when she was a little girl, she represented the presence of light and life. Sarah is different from anyone else......anyone! It makes me so happy to know that you see that light in her. I know you will never put that light out. You are one of a kind, also, Whit. I knew that right away. The Lord is going to use you two as a couple is such an amazing way. I can't wait to see that! I love you! Welcome to the family!
SO beautiful Whit!! I loved reading your side of the story as well. :)
All I can say is that was so beautifully said Whit!! If I can stop crying long enough I will be able to type!! We are soooo happy about this wedding - so happy to have you join the family and so happy that our prayers were answered in finding a soulmate for Sarah - we love you and look forward to the years to come!!
I love you two. Seriously.
You made me all teary, so sweet and so very happy for you both. :)
whit, it's been a while but i just want to say congratulations, i wish you both the very best!
Whit. I love this blog entry.
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