Thursday, January 25, 2007


I know what day it is. I know that I neglect this blog. I know that I make empty promises with semi-regularity when I promise to blog. But today is a new day! I made a revelation today, an awareness of a promise I've long over looked. I'll get to it in a moment but for now I offer a sort of explanation.

I have a job now, moonlighting in the fullness of day as a warehouse worker at a local company. I like the job and the people there though packing boxes is contrary to my dreams of playing music full time and I don't intend to keep this job but for a couple more months. I have little time at home now, even less time to sit, think and write, and a comparable amount of time with an internet connection. Blogging has unfortunately fallen by the side of the road and I fear that today I am no Samaratin but rather a passing Pharisee with clean feet and every intention of keeping them that way. I do, however, promise to blog with more care and will elaborate on this in a moment. But first...

For many years I have struggled with the mystery of an unusual man who looks like this: His name is Meat Loaf and for years I have continued to pay homage to this man everytime I've taken a seat at a piano in spite of two years of college piano study. I have always been plagued by the ever lingering question of, "What is THAT?" Yes, the infamous that of "I wont do that," from the song "I Would Do Anything for Love." For years I have considered Meat a coward, a spineless man who would do anything for his love until the moment in which his selfishness would overcome him and he would no longer do anything for her at all. It was Meat Loaf's door to independence and the return to the glorious life of sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Today, a co-worker and I waited for our lunch and the song came over the loudspeaker. He asked, "What is the that?" I said I wasn't sure but that I believe there was a duet in the song that may or may not answer the question. "The duet!" I thought. "How could I have forgotten?" We listened as she rattled off her requests and Meat promised in return. Eventually she asked if he would fool around on her, returning to the life of sex, drugs, and rock and roll when all of a sudden he says, "But I wont do that." It hit me that the title of the song was, in fact, a promise and that the coward Meat Loaf was actually galiantly balladeering his utter service and faithful devotion to this woman for the rest of his life. I had it all wrong!

There is something to be said for such a promise and I choose these words carefully. I promise to blog, soon, with as many as three new posts over the next week so please check back. I have many years of misunderstanding to repay Meat Loaf and I do not take this lightly. But for the time being, I am home, I'm extremely tired, chores are many, and I must go. Until then. Cheers!

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